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Is Every Desk Worker Going To Have A Dowager's Hump?

  (The Huffington Post) : People who work at a desk all day are at a higher risk of developing a Dowager's hump. Between laptops, cell phones and tablets, many people spend hundreds of hours each month hunched over and staring down at one device or another.  This kind of poor posture can lead to consequences like back pain, neck pain and even an acquired round-shouldered posture known as a dowager’s hump, said Dr. Nnaemeka Echebiri, a physiatrist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. A dowager’s hump (or hunchback, clinically known as kyphosis) is a curvature at the bottom of the neck that creates a sort of slouching posture. “It’s often due to poor posture over time,” Echebiri said. There are many things that can lead to the development of this hunchback posture. Unfortunately, having a desk job is one of them. But are all desk workers doomed to have a dowager’s hump in their life? Is there anything you can do to combat it? Here’s what experts say:  A huge risk factor for developing this posture is working at a computer. Are you automatically going to develop a dowager’s hump if you work hunched over a computer screen or spend hours and hours staring down at your phone or tablet? Not necessarily, but you are at higher risk. “Those activities in and of themselves do not lead to a dowager’s hump,” Echebiri said. But “getting used to those activities and doing them often without any postural correction exercises to offset those activities can lead overtime to that malalignment. “If you’re not doing focused things that sort of offset that, you could find yourself liking that position ..
Is Every Desk Worker Going To Have A Dowager's Hump? Image source :

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